About This Add-On"Chainz+ by JayCubTruth"
Created for Bedrock version 1.20.41 Date Added: 03/4/2023[MM/DD/YYYY] Date Updated: 11/12/2023[MM/DD/YYYY] Created by JayCubTruth Chainz+ gives you gold chains and copper chains! It also allows you to have diagonal chains of gold, iron, and copper. These chains connect even better than the vanilla chains. The copper chains actually oxidize! Updated for 1.20.41 and also cleaned up many of the chain hitboxes. |
Video - Skip to 03:12
How to use Chainz+
1. You are now able to craft chains out of iron, gold, or copper.
2. These chains will connect like fences with an additional Y dimension. They actually attach unlike vanilla chains.
3. You can also make diagonal chains by putting the chain into a crafting slot.
4. The copper chains will oxidize very fast. You can wax them by placing honeycomb above them in a crafting grid.
How to InstallDouble Click the "ChainzPlus_JayCubTruth.mcaddon" file and it should automatically open and import to minecraft. Once imported you can add it to your world by going to the world settings and clicking behavior/resource pack in the lower left corner. From there you will click on "my packs", select Chainz+ by JayCubTruth, and select "activate".
Next you must make sure that "Holiday Creator Features", "Upcoming Creator Features" and "Molang Features" are turned on. You can find the experimental features setting in the "game" section of your world if you scroll down. Once that's done you are ready to go! View "How To Install" Video on Youtube >> |
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