About This Behavior Pack"Peaceful Phantoms by JayCubTruth"
Created for Bedrock version 1.19.63 Date Added: 03/08/2023 [MM/DD/YYYY] Created by JayCubTruth This behavior pack makes phantoms peaceful towards the player. Keep one as a pet maybe? |
How to Install
Double Click the "PeacefulPhantoms by JayCubTruth.mcpack" file included with this download and it should automatically open and import to minecraft. Once installed you can add it to your world by going to the world settings and clicking behavior pack in the lower left corner. From there you will click on "my packs", select "Peaceful Phantoms by JayCubTruth", and select "activate".
Watch "How to Install" video on Youtube >>
Watch "How to Install" video on Youtube >>