About This Add-On
"Ghost Miners by JayCubTruth"
Version 1.0.0 created for Bedrock version 1.19 Date Added: 10/03/2022 [MM/DD/YYYY] Created by JayCubTruth Imagine exploring a cave, and coming across the soul of a lost miner! The ghost miners drop "Ectoplasm" which can be combined with most blocks to create glowing blocks! Super useful for building! They also sometimes drop "Paranormal Pickaxes" and "Cursed Pickaxes". |
How To Use
- The Ghosts Miners spawn underground, are passive, and are somewhat rare.
- They are somewhat transparent, and come in three colors (white, green, blue).
- They drop ectoplasm & cobblestone (common), paranormal pickaxes & cursed pickaxes (medium), raw iron, raw gold, redstone, & raw copper (rare).
- Ectoplasm can be combined with most blocks to make glowing blocks called "Paranormal Blocks". Super useful for building!
- Paranormal blocks can be crafted back into normal blocks if you need.
- Paranormal pickaxes are very fast, but don't last long, and cannot be repaired nor enchanted.
- Cursed pickaxes will kill whoever tries to use them. (Muahaha)
How to InstallDouble Click the "Ghost_Miners_By_JayCubTruth.mcaddon" file and it should automatically open and import to minecraft. Once imported you can add it to your world by going to the world settings and clicking behavior/resource pack in the lower left corner. From there you will click on "my packs", select Ghost Miners by JayCubTruth, and select "activate".
Next you must make sure that "Holiday Creator Features" are turned on or it will not work! You can find the holiday creator features setting in the "game" section of your world if you scroll down. Once that's done you are ready to go! View "How To Install" Video on Youtube >> |
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